Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Where does the time go ????

Well not good times here at the mo but never mind.
My new BIL has had chemo all last week so here's hoping it does the trick x x
Hubby has lost his job today :(
But have to look at the possitives, the sun is shining and everything happens for a reason or so they say anyway.
I'm busy cutting out flowers for the Brownie's on thursday also for our village easter do that we have every year.
I will try to blog more often but you know what I'm like :)


Calv said...

Sorry to hear about hubby's job H, and i hope your brother is coping ok with the chemo, it's not nice but fingers crossed here that it does the trick. After it helped Maddy, i always try to see the positive side of these treatments.

Sending you a virtual hug for you and those who need them there. :)

Rachel said...

Thinking of you - I know Hubs hasn't had that job long....always the same hope there is something new and better on the horizon for you all...and good luck for your new BiL too


About Me

I'm H, i live in the Lakes which is a fab part of the country.